Monday, September 10, 2012

US ‘not setting deadlines’ for Iran negotiations

It seems there was some tough talk from Israel about how far they (USA and Israel) are willing to go and how soon they will take action over Iran's nuclear weapon development.  Tough talk which the US is now attempting to back track from.  Secretary of State Hilary Clinton stated the following;

“We’re not setting deadlines. We’re watching very carefully about what they [Iran] do, because it’s always been more about their actions.” She added: “We’re convinced that we have more time to focus on these sanctions, to do everything we can to bring Iran to a good faith negotiation.”

How the Secretary Clinton can consider any talks resulting from heavy sanctions as "good faith" I have no idea, though I suppose it's better than nothing, right?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hillary Clinto and Yang-Jiechi

US warns China over disputed South China Sea

Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, has warned against the use of “coercion, intimidation and threats” in the resource-rich disputed South China Sea, in pointed comments aimed at Beijing before meetings there with leaders.

China warned Washington on Tuesday not to get involved in South China Sea territorial disputes as Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, arrived in Beijing pledging to pass on a strong message on the need to calm regional tension.

With strong allies in the region as well as recent US attempts to continue improving relations with  China, this is just one in a long list of precarious situations the US has to dance with, it is also unlikely to be the last as China no longer seems to want to be pushed around by what they may perceive as a weakened US.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Constitutional Challenge by 'Sister Wives' Family.

Coincidentally, days after discussing this case and whether or not the Courts would agree to hear it due to its lack of ripeness, an article appeared in the newspaper.

The family brought suit against The State AG and Governor, as well as the Utah County Prosecutor. The matter was brought before the court on ripeness issues, since they were challenging the constitutionality of a Utah law under which they had not been prosecuted, nor had they even been charged.

The U.S. District Judge decided that the State Governor and AG will be removed as parties to the proceedings because they have a policy of not prosecuting adult polygamists and had not made any effort to do so against the Brown family.

On the other hand, even though Utah County prosecutors had not charged or brought court proceedings against the Browns, they had held press conferences confirming their intent to do so and had begun investigations into the family. This was thought to be enough to make the matter ripe for the courts to consider the matter.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Interview with Al Hayat T...

As we discussed in class whether or not the the U.S. Constitution would work as well if was being proposed today, I thought this was an excellent article based on comments from sitting Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the topic.

Some quotes from her;

(She) lauded the Founding Fathers' "grand general ideas that become more effective over the course of ... more than two sometimes-turbulent centuries," she also said she "would not look to the United States Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012,"

Since World War II several other models have emerged that offer more specific and contemporary guarantees of rights and liberties, she said, pointing to South Africa's constitution, which she called a "really great piece of work" for its embrace of basic human rights and guarantee of an independent judiciary. She also noted Canada's charter of rights and freedoms and the European Convention of Human Rights.

Thurgood Marshall traveled to Kenya to draft its bill of rights, which he modeled after the European Convention on Human Rights. Unlike the U.S. Constitution, the Kenyan document guarantees rights to education, health, welfare and a right to work.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scottish Independence

Two years hence, 2014, promises to be an eventful year for Scotland. It hosts the Commonwealth Games, the Ryder Cup and celebrates the 700th anniversary of Bannockburn, the battle in the first war for Scottish independence in which Robert the Bruce won a significant victory against Edward II. Alex Salmond also intends that, in 2014, the Scots will have a referendum, "made, built and organised in Scotland", that gives the choice of full independence.

The article makes me consider the scenario should a state in USA seek to do the same?

What is the law on this issue, what are the consequences for the state seeking independence and the country as a whole?

It is a very interesting situation which I will be following closely in the coming months and years.

Constitutional Law Class Blog List - Candice - Casey - Cody - Wendy - Sarah - Claudia - Veronica - Brenda