Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Did they have brains or knowledge? Don’t make me laugh!

With a touch of blush and some judiciously applied eye makeup, France's main unemployment agency is trying to lure jobless women back into the workforce by offering them a taxpayer-funded day of pampering.
Is this not a step back a few decades? I mean I think most people are aware of the realities of the world. Research has shown that the better looking you are, the more opportunities come your way, teachers are more lenient on better looking students, more attractive job applicants are likely to get a job over less attractive equally qualified applicants etc.. However, the topic is kind of taboo.Is France is really coming out and saying , if you weren’t so ugly, maybe you’d be able to get a job. Nice!

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that France may need spread their ideas, and innovations to Spain and drastically improve their workforce. I personally don't follow much but I recently read an article which compared the two states, and hikes the unemployment of Spain to record numbers.
