Wednesday, January 26, 2011


COSATU, South Africa's largest labor federation, threatened the "mother of all boycotts" in opposition to the deal for Wal-Mart to buy South African retailer Massmart.

A few years back a similar event took place in Europe when Wal-Mart sought to purchase Asda, a large chain of stores similar to Wal-Mart, though that deal went through without any issues.With the lobbying power of such a large corporation is there any way to stop them from doing what they want?


  1. If you have Netflix, I'd recommend watching Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices. Pretty enlightening stuff. Made we want to stop shopping there. But I'm like everyone else in the world, the low cost and convenience is too appealing to stop.

  2. Walmart alone is #8 on the list that buys products from china. Other people/states on that list are like countries. Walmart is a company, not a whole Country!
